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“英语也可以这样说”----英语常用词汇编-611 - 比特币今日价格

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发表于 2022-9-11 07:48:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Agrarian土地的/农业的, arable/tillable适于耕种的, arid干燥的, bare赤裸的, barren/infertile贫瘠的, bolar粘土的, cloddy土块多的, cultivatable可耕种的, damp潮湿的, domanial领土的, earthy泥土的, edaphic/pedologic土壤的, fertile肥沃的, predial附属于土地的, productive肥沃的, silty淤泥的, sludgy泥的, slushy泥泞的, soilborne土壤带有的, sterile贫瘠的, terrene土地的, tillable可耕种的
To conserve the soil水土保持, cultivate耕种, farm the soil耕种土地, grow种植, plow/till the soil耕地, wash away soil水土流失, weather风化
To befoul/besmirch弄污, contaminate, defile/sully/dirty/taint/tarnish沾污, desecrate亵渎, dishonor败坏名声, libel, maculate弄脏, make soiled/filthy/dirty, pollute, slander, smudge, stain
A patch of land一块地, acre英亩/耕地, agrology/ pedology土壤学, agrotype土壤类型, argilla泥土, biochar生物炭, clart泥土, clod土块, clump土块, density密度--texture-- porosity--moisture, dirt泥土, earth, edaphology土壤生态学, edaphon土壤微生物, fertility of soil土壤肥沃, geoponics农业, glebe旱田, gravel砾石, ground, land, loam肥土/沃土, mold松软沃土, mud/mire泥土, organic matter有机质, peat泥炭, pedogenesis成土作用, pedolith土壤, pedology土壤学, pedosphere(地球的)土壤圈---- (lithosphere岩石圈, hydrosphere水圈, atmosphere大气层, biosphere生物圈), pelology泥土学, reclamation土地开垦, sludge/ooze/slit淤泥, slush烂泥, “skin of the earth”, soil horizon/layer/ stratum土层, terra土地/地球, territory领土, tract大片土地
Brown soil/drab soil/cinnamonic soil褐土, chernozem黑土带, laterite/ruddle红土/铁钒土, loess/ocher/sienna黄土, mollic黑土层, terra preta/ terra nera黑土地
Acid Sulfate Soil酸性硫酸盐土--basic/alkaline soil碱性土壤, Acrisol强淋溶土, Albeluvisols漂白红砂土, Alfisol淋溶土, Andisol火山灰土, Anthrosol人为土壤, Arenosol红砂土, Aridisol旱成土, ball clay黏土, Calcisol钙积土, Cambisol始成土, chalky soil白垩质土, clay soil黏土, Entisol新成土, Fluvisol冲积土, fossil soil化石土/古土壤, Gelisol冻土, Gleysol潜育土/灰黏土层, Gypsisol石膏土, Histosol有机土, humus soil腐殖土, Inceptisol始成土, initial soil原始土壤, leaf mold腐叶土壤, Leptosol薄层土, Luvisol淋溶土, Mollisol冻融层/软土, Oxisol氧化土, peaty soil含泥炭的土壤, Planosol粘盘土, Podzol灰化土, Rogosol岩屑土, saline soil盐渍土, sandy soil沙土, soil aggregate碎石土, soil cement稳定土, Spodosol灰土, topsoil耕作层--regolith/solum风化层/表皮土--saprolite腐泥土/残余土--bedrock基岩, Ultisol老成土, Vertisol变性土/转化土
Colloid土壤胶体质, desertification沙化, fertility土地肥力, heavy soil难耕地, hungry soil瘠土, native soil故土, ped/soil structure土壤自然结构体, porosity土壤孔隙度, reclamation开垦/填海, retrogression/ degradation土壤退化, sandy soil沙土, soil consolidation土壤固结, soil culture土壤培养, soil dressing/improvement土壤改良, soil erosion水土流失, soil hardening土壤板结, soil horizons土层, soil profile土壤剖面, soil texture土壤粗密度
Aborigine/indigene土著, bandit土匪, civil engineering土木工程, country cousin乡巴佬/土包子--bumpkin土包子, earthwork土方, foreign soil异国他乡, fangotherapy/pelotherapy泥土疗法, feculence/ filth/sewage污物, geomancy泥土占卜, home vilolage/native field乡土, mire泥潭, moss/slough泥沼, mudslide/debris flow泥石流, night soil/excrement/ dejection/ dejecta/feces粪便, potato土豆/mashed potatoes土豆泥, Saturn土星
Four important functions of soil: medium of plant growth; means of water storage; modifier of the atmosphere of earth; habitat for organisms.
Soils degradation involves the acidification, contamination, desertification, erosion or salination.
Soil parent materials: quartz石英, calcite方解石, feldspar长石, mica/biotite云母/黑云母
Little of the soil of planet Earth is older than the Pleistocene and none is older than the Cenozoic.
Man has only a thin layer of soil between himself and starvation. ----Bard of Cincinnati
The soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all. ----Wendell Berry
→参见Agriculture, Clay, Dirt, Dust, Earth, Fertilizer, Ground, Grow, Irrigate, Land, Mud, Plant, Pollution, Territory


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