25 years ago yesterday, March 15, 1985, simbolics.com became the first registered the name under dot-com domain right after its inception. together with dot-gov, dot-org, and dot-edu, doct-com ushers the internet boom, and a bust in 2000:))
on an unrelated note, source says Google is about 99.9% sure will shut down its chinese search engine, google.cn. so we will end with a "goodbye google!"
这最后一波defi不能错过就是cake,然后就是nft了。很多韭菜还不知道nft是啥玩意,看不懂也不知道是啥。不过这次nft会让那些看不起nft的看不懂nft的韭菜彻底怀疑人生。狗币很强势,我发现必须开多哪怕你50倍开多狗币,绝对稳赚不赔。10美金的狗币是有可能的 |
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